Katy has quickly becoming one of Calgary's favorite Street Stylista's, having her eclectic and unique style featured in Avenue Magazine's style section, many fashion blogs and on the streets and arts + culture scene in Calgary.
Style Inspiration: Urban Hippy and odd ball celebrity style like Chloe Sevigny, Tilda Swinton and Helena Bonham Carter
Describe Your Style: Fun, unique, reflects my personality
Favorite Stores/Brands: Not loyal to any particular brand or store, I love to wear whatever catches my eye. Love to shop shop vintage, thrift, markets (Market Collective), boutiques with unique brands. I really like Divine in YYC and Coup in YED.
Wearing: shirt: H & M | sequined pants: H & M | tights: Woolford | shoes: Geoffrey Campbell from Little Burgundy | jewelry: vintage and thrift store