Tuesday, 29 September 2015

London Fashion Week 2015 Recap

London Fashion week has come and gone in a whirlwind of young, provocative and unapologetically British styles.  Everyone is talking about Christopher Kane - whose show was a “car crash” of ripped and see-through garments, scribbled-on blouses and brightly coloured cable-ties on every single model.

The Canadian born designer Erdem also garnered a lot of press with his Victorian themed show made entirely from lace left over from his previous collection, organically farmed silk and fibers made from, among other recycled materials, plastic bottles. Think “Sustainable Jane Eyre.”

No London Fashion Week would be complete without collections from Burberry and Vivienne Westwood, the former presented Prada-esque nylon backpacks to its obsessive fans while the latter executed a fashion-show-meets-protest – complete with models carrying placards condemning austerity and climate change. 

As the grande dame of punk style Westwood is no stranger to activism, and several media sources agree that the message was likely targeted at Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, for his adamant support of the practise of fracking. 

But to put aside the ultra-modern crusades and Vicorian motifs, my personal favourite show came from the only high-street brand to make it into the week’s prestigious schedule: Topshop Unique. Topshop’s reception has been mixed, but I found the obvious 70s inspired prints alongside playful work-wear and daring club-wear comprised a well balanced collection that does what fashion is “supposed” to do: show attractive, thoughtful, and modern clothing in innovative, yet wearable ways.

That said, the stary-eyed madness of Gareth Pugh will forever hold a place in my heart.  

Trends to take away from this week:


 Romantic lace

 Talkative Accessories

~ Monica Sommerville

1 comment:

  1. Curious to see some of those Christopher Kane pieces on celebs this year...
